Orange Avenue Apartments Redevelopment
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Resident Meeting - July 21, 2020
Orange Avenue Redevelopment & Proposed Demolition Resident Meeting
July 21st, 2020
Site Overview
Current Conditions and Future Plans
Current Conditions
- Built in 1972, in barracks style.
- Design is old and inefficient, rooms are small.
- Building and systems are old and need extraordinary repair and upgrades: fire safety system, HVAC, electrical and plumbing system are all affected.
- Major storms lead to flooding and excessive soil erosion.
- Consultant has done analysis of rehabilitation cost. It shows that the development meets HUD's requirement for demolition: the "obsolescence test".
- Columbia Residential was hired by THA to be co-developer in 2017.
- A master plan for the redevelopment was completed in 2018 with community and resident input: new mixed-income development on-site and off.
- Requires replacement of each PH units with a subsidized unit.
- Redevelopment is expected to occur in phases.
- Funding has been awarded for phase One onsite (130 units). Application to be submitted in the fall for Phase 2.
- No new units will be built in the flood way.
Estimated Timeline (Schedule/Process)
Schedule (Subject to Change)
- Submit Demolition Application to HUD - Anticipated Completion August 2020
- HUD Demolition Approval - Anticipated Completion October 2020
- 90-Day Notice - Anticipated Completion November 2020
- Start Resident Interviews and Voluntary Relocation - Anticipated Completion December 2020 - February 2021
- Required Relocation Phase 1 - Anticipated Completion February - March 2021
- Required Relocation Phase 2 - Anticipated Completion March - December 2021
General Approach
- Resident protection, notification and support features, will be based on HUD relocation guidelines.
- No required move without 90-day notice.
- On-going communication and resident support.
- Advisory and support services including moving.
- Financial assistance to off-set out of pocket moving expenses.
Relocation Plan and Staffing
- THA will have staff dedicated to assist residents planning and implementing relocation.
- THA staff will be available for evening & weekend consultation.
- Staff will make home visits as needed and requested.
- Staff will assist with support and resources for special needs and elderly.
Relocation Options
Anticipated Housing Options
- Vacant Public Housing (PH) Apartments
- Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8)
Tenant Paid Rents
- Tenant rents for PH units are typically 30% of gross income with allowance for adjustments
- If you move to another PH unit your rent may not be affected by your relocation out of Orange Avenue
- Rent you pay with a voucher will depend on the bedroom size of the unit and its utility allowance. Size of the unit must be appropriate for the family size.
Relocation Orientation
- We will conduct an interview with each household to determine relocation needs and preferences.
- At the interview, we will provide you with both written and verbal explanations of available housing options.
- We will also review with each household, both in writing and verbally, laws pertaining to discrimination and fair housing.
- During the initial interview, and afterwards, we will assist each household, at their option, with the preparation of a budget for living expenses (such as rent, utilities and maintenance).
- We will also be available to you for referrals to community resources for other specialized and personal needs.
Resident Advisory and Counseling
THA staff will survey each household to:
- Determine its needs and housing preferences.
- Explain relocation benefits (including eligibility requirements and procedures for obtaining benefits).
- Explain relocation schedule.
- Advise on comparable replacement dwellings that may be available.
- Provide households considering Section 8 relocation with lists of suitable housing available in the metro area.
- Provide transportation to view replacement housing.
Housing Locator Services
To help you locate suitable replacement housing, we will provide these services to your household:
- Provide lists of qualified housing providers/landlords.
- Help in contacting landlords and housing providers.
- Arrangement for transportation to inspect available housing.
- Information regarding schools, public transportation, shopping, etc. in areas you wish to live.
- Assistance with completing rental applications.
- Assistance in negotiations with prospective landlords.
Other Relocation Support Services
- Provide moving assistance through a qualified moving company at no cost to you.
- Coordination of the actual move - date, time, etc.
- Help with resolution of relocation/moving issues.
- THA will pay for transfer of utilities and new hook-up expenses (gas, electric, water, trash removal, phone, etc.).
- THA will provide packing materials.
- For any permitted reimbursement related to moving expenses, resident must provide proof of payment/billing statements (moving allowance will capped based on number of bedrooms).
- Provide any specialized services for elderly or disabled residents.
HCV Issuance & Lease Up
A voucher can be used to rent private housing anywhere within THA's jurisdiction or "ported" to other places.
- Go through intake screening which can take up to 30 days.
- A briefing is done with the family after eligibility is confirmed.
- How the program works, responsibilities of tenant, landlord and housing authority are discussed.
- Voucher is issued based on family composition and on maximum rent family can afford according to program guidelines.
- Family is given 60 days to find a suitable unit.
- THA conducts Housing Quality Standard inspection of the unit within 5-10 days from notice that a unit has been found.
- After passing HQS inspection, landlord and THA enter a contract for the voucher payment and landlord and renter sign lease agreement. Renter and THA both pay owner their rent portions.
- Landlords may have varying requirements to rent a unit. Many will require security deposits. Some may do background and/or credit checks.
- You are allowed to move to another city with the voucher. Once you sign a lease, you are required to stay in that unit for at least one year before you can move with the voucher if you desire.
Possible Impact - COVID-19
- THA has instituted practices compliant with social distancing guidelines and contactless processing.
- THA will follow guidelines in effect regarding masks, gloves and attire for staff and require vendors to abide by applicable requirements.
- Personnel involved in services entering a home may need to ask about health condition of residents in order to adequately serve and protect occupants of the home.
- Meetings with THA staff will be conducted in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
- Residents that suffer loss of job or income will have their rent adjusted and those payments will apply when they move to another public housing unit or Section 8.