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HCV/Section 8 Ports

I want to Port, now what?

If you would like to move away from the Tallahassee area using your voucher assistance, you should inform your housing specialist. A move from one housing authority to another is called porting. You should notify your housing specialist as soon as possible so that the receiving housing authority has your information before you move. Receiving housing authorities require that clients be recently recertified before they leave their initial housing authority. In most instances, the receiving housing authority may take as long as 60 days to process you as a new client. You must also provide your housing specialist with the "Notice of Intent to Move" form, signed by both you and your landlord. You must make plans to vacate the unit as of the agreed-upon date on the form.

Remember, you are responsible for providing your housing specialist with all of the necessary information for you to port out. You will need to provide your housing specialist with the name and address of the housing authority where you want to port; including the phone number, fax number, and the name of the port contact person.

Porting is a major undertaking and should be carefully considered before you make a decision. You and your family may be displaced for an undetermined period of time while waiting to lease-up in a new city. It will be your responsibility to find lodging for you and your family while you are waiting to be housed again. You must vacate your current unit at the end of the lease.

Once your documents are sent to your new housing authority, it will be your responsibility to make sure you follow up with them so that you do not miss any of your scheduled appointments with the new agency. THA has no control as to how long the lease-up process takes for your new agency.

Each housing authority uses the payment standards and utility allowances for their area, to determine the estimated rental assistance for each household.

If you are porting in, please have your housing specialist email your port paperwork or mail it to:

Tallahassee Housing Authority
2940 Grady Road
Tallahassee, FL 32312

Sharlene Chandler - Portability Specialist
Email Sharlene
850-385-6126 ext. 323

Ports Mailbox