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THA Monthly Newsletter June 2024


  • Columbia Gardens Waitlist Open!
  • Storm Debris Clean-Up Resources

Table of Contents

  • Director's Note
  • THA Operations
  • New Board Members
  • Demolition & Revitalization
  • Boys and Girls Clubs of the Big Bend
  • Resident News & Events
  • Resident Resources
  • Resident Highlights & Community News


Director's Corner

Welcome to the THA monthly newsletter!

Dear Residents - As we redefine our work and deepen our commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable community residence, we are pleased to share this newsletter to provide you with the latest news, developments, accomplishments and updates from the Tallahassee Housing Authority (THA) properties and staff.

As Executive Director, it is our mission to enhance and expand the quality of life in our community, and to maintain and provide quality affordable housing. THA will facilitate a network of supportive services to enhance the quality of life for our residents. We are committed to quality service and will provide a professional atmosphere to our
employees, partners, and the greater Tallahassee constituency.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns you may have. I am here to serve you.

Email Brenda | 850.385.6126

Brenda Williams
Executive Director

Brenda Williams ED Headshot.

THA Operations

Woman holding a child.

The Mission of the Tallahassee Housing Authority is to maintain and
provide quality, affordable housing and facilitate a network of supportive services to enhance the quality of life for our residents.

Here's What We Do and How We Do It

Tallahassee Housing Authority provides quality affordable housing for low-to-moderate-income households, fosters sustainable communities, and cultivates opportunities for residents to improve their lives in collaboration with local supportive services. Much of the public housing stock in Tallahassee is over forty years old and is well-maintained by the housing authority. Over time, we will work toward the redevelopment of our housing stock. A principal plan for redevelopment was completed for our Orange Avenue Apartments.

The Authority is governed by a volunteer seven-person Board of Commissioners; appointed by the City of Tallahassee Commission. Through formal adoption of policy, they ensure that the Authority is fiscally responsible and operates in an efficient manner.

The Authority consists of two (2) distinctive residential Public Housing communities (aka Asset Management Properties or AMPs), located in the incorporated areas of Tallahassee, Florida. There are a total of 346 residential units consisting of 41 single-family detached homes, and 12 duplex units. The Authority also owns and maintains a 93-unit Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment community.

The Tallahassee Housing Authority is working to improve efficiencies so that all of our customers have access to information and services. Explore the various links on our website to find available rentals, services, more about our programs, and information about payments: 

New Board Members

Christic Henry

Christic Henry Headshot.

Christic Henry is a dedicated community advocate and volunteer. A former AmeriCorp volunteer and 2003 FSU graduate, she has co-owned Kingdom First Realty for nearly 20 years, serving as President/Managing Broker. She is a certified foreclosure specialist and mentored over 360 young women through the Smith Williams Service Center's DIVAS program.

Christic was the first African-American woman president of the Council of Neighborhood Associations of Tallahassee-Leon County. She holds various advisory roles, including with the City of Tallahassee Utilities Citizens Advisory Committee and the Rotary Club of Tallahassee Southside. She directs the Southside Redevelopment Advisory Council and the Soul of Southside Arts & Humanities Festival, and hosts the radio show "Conscious Check with Christic Henry."

Kingdom First Realty has won several awards, and Christic has been honored by the Tallahassee Board of Realtors and the Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals. She was named one of the "25 Women to Know" by the Tallahassee Democrat and is an Honorary Deputy of the Leon County Sheriff.

Shauna L. Powell

Shauna Powell Headshot.

Born in Greensboro, Florida, I am a proud graduate of YouthBuild in Gadsden County (1993). For the past nine years, I have resided in Tallahassee, Florida, where I am a dedicated mother to four children-two sons and two daughters.

I am an active member of New Hope International Outreach Ministry, where I serve on the Usher Board and the Hospitality Committee. With six years of experience in child care, I have a deep commitment
to serving and nurturing the younger members of our community. Additionally, I assist elders in my community, ensuring they receive the care and support they need.

Every week, I volunteer at a local food pantry, providing essential food supplies to residents of Tallahassee. My passions include reading, enjoying outdoor activities, and spending quality time with my family.

Demolition & Revitalization

Updates on Columbia Gardens at South City

Demolition of Bates Drive (Phase 4) was completed last month. Demolition of the units on Sebring Drive (Phase began last week and should be completed by the end of June. Phase 1 is continuing to lease up, with all vacant units having pending move-ins. Following the recent severe weather, all the buildings have had power restored. There was no damage to the property. In Phase 2, permanent power is on in buildings one and two. Final painting has started, and temporary certificates of occupancy are expected in June so that lease-ups can begin. Exterior painting, interior cabinet, countertops, and carpet installs are ongoing in the remaining four buildings. We will again be applying for Phase 3 funding to construct a 90-unit senior development at Country Club and Sebring. The development will cost approximately $30M and will consist of 80 one-bedroom and 10 two-bedroom units.

Columbia Gardens Phase 2

From May 19th to June 17th, the waitlist will open to apply for one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments. To apply, complete the online pre-application here under Programs. Each household may apply only once, and duplicate or incomplete pre-applications won't be accepted. Printed pre-applications will not be available. Submission of a pre-screening does not guarantee a family a spot on the waitlist. Families will be listed on the waitlist
in order determined by their selection in a random lottery conducted by a third party.

Click here to view photos.

Boys & Girls Club of the Big Bend


The mission of the BGCBB is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Club membership is free to Tallahassee Housing Authority residents, and
enrollment is accepted at any time. The Boys & Girls Club of the Big Bend provides youth development activities, at no cost, to the residents of the Springfield and Pinewood Place communities. The program operates Monday through Friday from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM after school. During the summer, the hours extend from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

At the beginning of each Boys & Girls Club program, the boys and girls are greeted by staff and then served a healthy snack. Afterward, the boys and girls begin their "Powerhour", during which they complete homework assignments and receive tutoring in any
subject that may present them with difficulty. After completing homework, the boys and girls participate in one of the character and citizenship-building activities. These programs teach young people how to make positive decisions and develop good character traits.
Prior to ending the day, the youth participate in a high yield activity that gets them moving and energized. These activities include football, basketball, and dance. The Boys & Girls Club provides a positive environment in which the youth are encouraged to evolve into responsible, caring, and productive citizens.

For information, email Kacy Dennis or call 850.656.8100.

Click here for BGCBB Club Membership

Springfield Updates

Springfield teens participated in FAMU's Shadow a Rattler, which gave members the chance to experience a full day as a FAMU student. They started their day with breakfast at the Top Cafe and then sat in on classes and participated in tours of the various buildings on campus. The teens ended their day with FAMU's famous Set Friday, where they got to experience the electric social atmosphere of an HBCU. Jewels Inc. held an amazing Charm Gala for the young ladies of the club who have been participating in Jewels activities throughout the year. They were very excited to get dressed up and enjoy an evening out with their friends!

Javaris Lewis has stepped up and volunteered to become the newest Junior Leader at the Springfield Club. From initiating club clean up days, to pushing teen recruitment, Javaris has shown leadership and
motivation to make his Boys & Girls Club the best it can be!

Jayceon is a second grader at Riley Elementary School. His favorite hobbies include playing basketball and football. Jayceon would like to become a nurse one day to make a good living and help a lot of people. He attends the club almost everyday with a positive
and respectful attitude and is always encouraging his peers during games and lessons. Jayceon continually models the way for his fellow club members. Please help us in congratulating Jayceon for winning Youth of the Month at the Springfield Club!

Pinewood Place Updates

Youth of the Month Tyion Taylor was very timid about attending the club at first, as he was afraid of being around others. After months of trying to get him to attend, Club Director Daijah Evans coordinated with Tyion's parents to have him just attend a single day to see how he would like it. Since that day, Tyion has not missed a single day at the club. He has broken out of his shell, and has fun participating in activities, like learning to say his name in sign language.

Since starting to attend the club, he has broken out of his shell and began making great friendships with the other members. Tyion says, "My club helps me socialize. I was shy before coming here". Please help us in congratulating Tyion for winning Youth of the Month
at the Pinewood Place Club!

Jewels Inc. held an amazing Charm Gala for the young ladies of the club who have been participating in Jewels activities throughout the year. They were very excited to get dressed up and enjoy an evening out with their friends!

Pinewood hosted another clothing drive this month for those in need of donations throughout the community.

Jayceon - Springfield Youth of the Month.Three young ladies holding certificates.Javaris Lewis (pictured in white).

Tyion - Pinewood Youth of the Month.Jewels Inc. Charm Gala.Springfield teens at FAMU’s Shadow a Rattler.

Resident News & Events

Tallahassee Housing Authority Vendor Fair
June 22 | 10AM

Become a Tallahassee Housing Authority Vendor and help facilitate a network of supportive services to enhance the quality of life for our residents. We require a robust vendor list to support our various residential communities including: electricians, flooring, insulation, mold assessment/removal, carpet cleaning, septic tank system/pump
out, air conditioning, asphalt paving and striping, unit turn/make ready, tree removal, painting, alarm systems, security, lawn care, tub and counter top resurface, pressure washing, garage door installation/repair, roofing/ gutters, plumbing, fencing, lawn equipment repair, appliance repair, disability equipment, welding, locksmith, dirt and sod/grass, relocation and haul-away.

To be added to our list, contact Dana Green at 850.385.6162 ext.155 or email Dana. To register for this event, CLICK HERE.

To be considered, you will need appropriate licenses, insurance (Workers Comp unless exempt, General Liability, Automobile, and Professional Liability if necessary), and bid bonds (bids over $100,000).

Resident Events

Second Harvest of the Big Bend
Locate a food pantry near you by clicking HERE

Second Harvest of the Big Bend provides healthy food to relieve residents in emergency circumstances and distress year-round.

Local Events

Juneteenth Empowerment | Saturday June 15 | 10 am
Cascades Park, 1001 S Gadsden St, Tallahassee, FL

Official Pride Bar Crawl | Saturday June 22 | 4 pm
Tallahassee, FL
CLICK HERE for ticket info

Tallahassee R&B + Southern Soul Picnic | Sunday June 23 | 1 pm
Cascades Park, 1001 S Gadsden St, Tallahassee, FL
CLICK HERE for ticket info

Celebrate America | Thursday July 4 | 6 pm
Tom Brown Park, 443 Easterwood Dr, Tallahassee, FL

Infinity Con Tallahassee | Saturday-Sunday July 6-7
Donald L. Tucker Civic Center, 505 W Pensacola St, Tallahassee, FL
CLICK HERE for ticket info

Back 2 School Supply Giveaway | Saturday July 27 | 12 pm
Cascades Park, 1001 S Gadsden St, Tallahassee, FL
CLICK HERE to register

Resident Resources

Storm Debris Clean-Up

Tallahassee has experienced several abrupt, severe storms in the
last 2 months. Many people in our community were affected by the recent tornados in particular. If you experienced property damage or loss as a result of these storms, the resources below may be of assistance:

How to Improve Your Credit Score

  1. Build Your Credit File
  2. Don't Miss Payments
  3. Catch Up On Past-Due Accounts
  4. Pay Down Revolving Account Balances
  5. Limit How Often You Apply for New Accounts

Credit Education Resources

What Affects Your Credit Scores?
Learn how different types of accounts and actions can impact your credit scores.

How to Calculate Credit Card Utilization:
Credit rates can have a big impact on your scores. The
math is easy, but there are common misunderstandings.

Credit Repair
How to "fix" your credit yourself

4 Simple Habits That Build Good Credit:
Follow these simple rules for building and maintaining good credit.

What Is a Bad Credit History and Rating?:
Learn more about why you may have a bad credit score.

Which Debts Should I Pay Off First to Improve My Credit?:
Prioritizing certain bills can be important when you're trying to increase your credit scores.

Credit Myths:
Learn the truth and don't get caught off guard.

Tallahassee Summer Camps!

Fun 4 Tally Kids has compiled a complete directory of all the camps in the Tallahassee area.
Save time searching through multiple websites trying to get information on camps.

Click here to get a complete list of camps offered this summer!

Resident Resource Links

Resident Highlights & Community News

Congratulations Graduates!

Pinewood Place residents, Damari (5th grade, Sealy Elementary) and Sloria (high school, Taylor County High School).

Congratulations to Pinewood Place residents, Damari (5th grade, Sealy Elementary) and Sloria (high school, Taylor County High School). We wish all of our students and fun summer and successful 2024/2025 school year!

THA Employee of the Month

Tiffany Hunter - Employee of the Month.

Employee of the Month Nominated by Tawana Thompson

Tiffany Hunter

She is the face that greets you in the office and the kind voice on the
phone that asks, "How can I help you today?" Her positive spirit sets the tone for almost every client, customer, and collegial interaction at the housing authority.

We all marvel at the ease with which she manages a full lobby,
frustrated clients, distressed landlords, angry customers, the never
ending flow of papers and a phone that rings almost every minute.
None of us would want her job, yet she makes it look effortless. Her
voice and smile add calm to a busy day.

I would like to nominate our true 'Director of First Impressions',
Tiffany Hunter for Employee of the Month.

Community Support

Tallahassee Urban League’s Crocs and Socks Crime Prevention.

Crocs & Socks | Springfield Apartments

The Tallahassee Urban League's Crocs and Socks Crime Prevention
community event at the Springfield Community Center was an
opportunity for residents to interact with local law enforcement and local vendors like Florida Blue, Florida A&M University, Fasig Brooks, Sickle Cell Foundation, and Oasis for Girls. Vendors provided an array of services and information to residents, and the THA served a hot meal to all who came.

Storm Relief | Springfield Apartments

The Salvation Army of the Big Bend and the Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce led the charge to feed residents after the devastating tornadoes hit Tallahassee leaving the Springfield community without power for several days. Salvation Army's Brittany Christies, M.S. Community Relations & Volunteer Coordinator ensured that the Springfield residents had a hot meal the Saturday following the storm. THA residents worked side by side with volunteers assisting with food service. On Sunday following the storms, the Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce followed with another hot lunch.

Storm Relief | Columbia Gardens

Second Harvest of the Big Bend distributed emergency food kits and water at Columbia Gardens at South City.THA employees Mike, Chris, Tor and the Columbia Gardens Staff.

Second Harvest of the Big Bend distributed emergency food kits and water at Columbia Gardens at South City after the recent storms that left many without power. THA employees Mike, Chris, Tor and the Columbia Gardens staff assisted with the distribution. Residents were happy to receive these items during the power outages.

Employment Opportunities

Position: Administrative Assistant to the Director of Operations
Status: Non- Exempt
Hourly Pay: $22.00 - $26.00
Position Summary: The Executive Assistant provides administrative support for the Executive Office at the Tallahassee Housing Authority. This position will prepare correspondence and reports in written and electronic formats. Responsible for general office management and a
variety of administrative tasks.

Position: Maintenance Supervisor
Status: Non-Exempt - Hourly
Salary Range: $65,000 to $75,000
Position Summary: Supervise maintenance mechanics and Utility Workers. Supervise maintenance and repair tasks to buildings, appliances, equipment and grounds owned and operated by Tallahassee Housing Authority. Demonstrate knowledge of basic heating, air conditioning, carpentry, painting, electrical and grounds maintenance.

Position: Electrician
Status: Non-Exempt
Position Summary: The Electrician will be responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. The ideal candidate will have expertise in low voltage and high voltage systems, use of ammeters and ohmmeters, power tools,
blueprint reading, schematics interpretation, and proficiency with hand tools. Ability to read and interpret blueprints accurately. Strong understanding of electrical schematics. Excellent troubleshooting skills using ammeters and ohmmeters.

Apply now and be a part of creating better communities!
Visit for full job descriptions. Resumes may be emailed to Dana Green.


Tallahassee Housing Authority HCV Specialist, Julius H. McAllister.

Tallahassee Housing Authority HCV Specialist, Julius H. McAllister, graduated from Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia. Morehouse is one of four all-male colleges in the United States. Famous graduates like Martin Luther King Jr., and Spike Lee are joined by five Rhodes scholars as well as congressmen, business titans, college presents, and many more. Julius received his B.A. in Political Science with aspirations of becoming a lobbyist for Title 1 Communities. The Commencement Speaker was none other the United States President, Joe Biden. As a Political Science Major, Julius said much of the president's speech aligned with the work he want to do.

THA Employee June Birthdays!

Wilford Evan - June 10th
Mike Harris - June 19th
Tawana Thompson - June 24th

"Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world." ― Roy T. Bennett

Have a great summer!